Pula - from Shipyard to Music Festival

BD Traveller

Pula - From shipyards to music festivals

Pula is the city located on the tip of Istra Peninsula, and it has more than 2400 hours of sun in a year. Location, coastline, and harbor make this city built on Roman ruins one of the best destinations to visit in Istria. 3000 years old Pula is the city of diverse culture, people, and activities for all holidaymakers.

 Pula has a long history of shipbuilding. In the past, Pula was the main shipyard for the Austrian-Hungary navy, and now, shipyard Uljanik is one of the biggest in the country. Some might think this city is an industrial city, and they could not be more mistaken.

To get to the Pula, it takes ten minutes drive from the airport. To all looking for the accommodation in the city, there are plenty of camps, private accommodation as well as luxury and family hotels. Park Plaza Pula and Park Plaza Histria are family-style hotels and one of the preferred hotels for visitors. Both of the hotels are located in a small bay, not so far from the city buzz.

 Proximity to all amenities is excellent in the case you want to feel the city, walk the ancient stone streets, and later in the night visit some of the famous music festivals such as Dimension and Outlook. Festivals are held on the Fort Punta Christo on Stinjan peninsula. Uljanik is not only a shipyard but also a light attraction. Light designer Dean Skira has lit up famous cranes in more than 16 000 lights, and they go on every full hour for 15 minutes once the sun is down. Lighting giants spectacle for all visitors. Uljanik in Pula is a nightclub as well, and popular go-to place for locals.

Ancient city

 Arena, a famous Roman Amphitheater located in the heart of the Pula, is by far most recognizable landmark. The Arena is one of the best-preserved amphitheaters in the world. Built in the 1st century AD, this sixth largest amphitheater in the world is still in the commercial use. Every year numerous famous bands and singers have concerts in the Arena.  The amphitheater is just one of the many monuments. The city is known for Temple of Augustus and tunnels. A recommended route for all those visiting is to start with the Temple of Augustus, just a short walk from the ferry,  followed by Zugang Tunnels and finish with the visit to the Amphitheater. Some of the other historical spots and museums are Fortress, House of Istrian Olive Oil, Archeological Museum and Roman theater.  Pula was a temporary home to Irish writer James Joyce. He stayed in Pula in October 1904. The ground floor of former language school where Joyce worked now is a coffee bar called Ulysses. Sculpture of James Joyce and cabinet with personal items is still the bar.

Pula is a harbor city, with a lot of small bays and peninsulas around the city. Some of the famous beaches amongst the locals and tourists are Stoja, Veruda, Verudela and Pjesana Uvala. However, one place that stands out. Kamernjarka, natural reserve, on the very tip of Istria is a specific place where the water in the area is crystal clear like in nowhere else.

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