Bol - My favorite place

BD Traveller

Bol - My favorite place

For all those looking for a place to hide away, have some beach time, good food, and pleasant morning walk, Bol might be an answer. Bol has 1700 residents, excellent olive oil and wine, and worldwide known sandy beaches. Coastal town Bol is situated on the south side of the island where the beaches are sandy and water is crystal clear. Bol has a fantastic beaches, campsites, and accommodation for families and those looking for relaxation. West side of the Bol is rich with pine woods what make a perfect place for camping. Campsite Zlatni Rat is just north of the beach Zlatni Rat. 

The city life is centered on the quay. Some of the best places to eat and have drinks are in the area. Pumparela restaurant serves traditional Dalmatian food right next to the harbor. Grilled calamari is highly recommended to try. On the west side of Bol, Konoba Mali Raj offers traditional food. If you call a day ahead, a chef can make you peka. Peka stands for a method of cooking the food under the bell. Metal or ceramic bell, called peka, is covered with hot coals and food under is cooked to perfection in less than two hours. Lamb meat and octopus are the best food to cook this way.  As a real Dalmatian island, Bol has a lot of olives and wine. Some of the best Croatian wines and wine variety are grown on the island. Local wines are Pošip - white wine, and Plavac mali - red wine. Stina winery offers a guided tours and wine tasting paired with some local prosciutto and cheese. Vinery gathers local wine producers with a goal to preserve local varieties and wine.


It is all about the beach

 Zlatni rat or Golden Horn, 1 km long beach on the west side of the island is the most recognizable beach for all visitors. Beach can get quite busy during the summertime, as there are a lot of campsites and hotels nearby. Beach is a specific as of its shape of a horn, however during the high and low seas and strong winds shape can get changed.

More quiet beaches are in the village Murvica, next to the Bol, and Povlja on the northeast side of the island. Visitors prefer beaches on the south side of the island as the beaches on the south are sandy and easily accessible. North side of the island has just one sandy beach, Lovrecina, while other beaches are rocky and hard to get to.

Bol and island of Brac have the highest summit in the Adriatic coast. It is 778 m high summit Vidova Gora. You can get there by car or walk 9km. Nearby islands Hvar, and the city of Split and Makarska are visible from the top. On a sunny day, you can see Italian coastline. Kayaking, swimming, diving, or just relaxing are some of the activities in Bol. For all those looking for history and tradition experience, near to bol is Olive Oil Museum Skrip, run by local family. The museum is renovated few years ago and has a tasting room. In the village of Pucišća is famous Stonemasonry School. School is open for visits, and visitors are more than welcome to explore and observe how students transform the rock into the art piece.

 Small and charming city Bol, for sure is one of those places visitors will keep coming back to.

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Medulin Apartments
I love Bol
Medulin Apartments
I love Bol