- Étterem:
- 100
- Buszmegálló:
- 200
- Reptér:
- 8000
- Sportközpont:
- 1000
- Bolt:
- 100
- Központ:
- 800
- Strand:
- 50
- Tenger:
- 50
Villa Doria, Okrug Gornji
If you've ever wondered where to wander off and relax Welcome to the land where the sea, sun and stone merge with life, a place that God had long ago relinquish to Dalmatiens. Paradise with a thousand islands, and all special like a sea pearls. One of these miraculous gem is probably the island of Ciovo, situated between two beautiful ancient city, protected by UNESCO, Trogir and Split. The island has a large drawbridge to the mainland in the town of Trogir. A few small villages scattered by the island, and among them is the biggest and most interesting district, which is divided into the Okrug Gornji and Okrug Donji. Both are located in the Gulf Saldun on the southwest side of the island of Ciovo, in the geographic center of Dalmatia. With its 2700 sunny hours yearly is one of the most favored tourist destinations. Symbol of Okrug Gornji might say that this is a great beach 2 km long, along which there are many cafes and restaurants, where they often take place during the summer fishi

- Wi-Fi Előtér:
- Tartalmaz
- Parkolóhelyek:
- Tartalmaz
- Kerékpárok:
- Tartalmaz
- Búvárkodás
- Horgászat
- Vitorlázás
- Csónakbérlés
- Hajókirándulás
Milićevo 41,
Okrug Gornji
Közep Dalmacia, Horvatorszag
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Bejelentkezés 14:00, Kijelentkezés 10:00