- Ristorante:
- 50
- Farmacia:
- 8000
- Ufficio postale:
- 8000
- Negozio:
- 8000
- Bancomat:
- 8000
- Distributore di benzina:
- 8000
- Centro:
- 8000
- Mare:
- 800
House Damir, Rukavac
The house is situated in a beautiful garden surrounded with the pine trees, with the secure parking lot. The house consists of the 3 apartments. This is a part of island with the most beautiful beaches; sand and stoney beaches. The nature is almost unspoiled, which is one of the greatest attractions of the island. At the hills surrounding there are numerous paths for walking with unforgettable view that reaches all the way to the island Palagruza, hvar,Lastavo..
- Parcheggi:
- Incluso
- Fare surf
- Immersione
- Pesca
- Vela
- Viaggi in barca
Vukovo 12,
Dalmazia Centrale, Croatia
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