- Ristorante:
- 500
- Farmacia:
- 300
- Ufficio postale:
- 300
- Negozio:
- 50
- Banca:
- 300
- Distributore di benzina:
- 3000
- Centro:
- 800
- Spiaggia:
- 300
- Mare:
- 300
Apartmani Sidro, Selce
We're successfully leading our small family restaurant-pansion since 1996, with the primary goal to make our guest's holidays a pleasant and unforgetable expericence. Everyone is welcome in Sidro. Proof of that are many families, diving groups, sports clubs, bikers and others that keep on returning every year to enjoy their summer at our nature-surrounded guest house. Restaurant "Sidro" is on the outskirts of Selce, a small coastal town with a long tradition in tourism that dates back to the 19th century when European kings often stayed here during summer time. Our guest house is about 450m away from the town's centre and the beautiful beaches.

- Parcheggi:
- Incluso
- Tennis
- Fare surf
- Snorkeling
- Immersione
- Pesca
- Ciclismo
- Vela
- Noleggiare una barca
- Viaggio in terra
- Viaggi in barca
Slavka Jeličića 67,
Quarnaro, Croatia
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