- Ristorante:
- 100
- Farmacia:
- 300
- Banca:
- 800
- Distributore di benzina:
- 300
- Centro:
- 800
- Spiaggia:
- 50
- Mare:
- 50
Apartman Nevica, Spalato
Welcome! Our apartment Nevica is located in a family house in a peaceful neighbourhood where residents used to build their vacation houses. To the old city center can be reached by walking for 10 min. City’s stadium,the sea,tennis courts and children’s playground are our neighbours. Hill Marjan,ideal for hiking and recreation is about 300 meters away. For young in search of entertainment disco-bar Hemingway is near.
- Immersione
- Pesca
- Vela
- Noleggiare una barca
- Viaggi in barca
Spinutska 77,
Dalmazia Centrale, Croatia
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