- Ristorante:
- 50
- Farmacia:
- 800
- Negozio:
- 100
- Centro:
- 500
- Spiaggia:
- 300
- Mare:
- 300
Apartmani Resman, Vodice
The house is located in a quiet part of Vodice near the town center, on high ground, so the view of the town, the sea and the surrounding islands from the terraces is magnificent. The house has 6 apartments, 5 of which are for rent. All apartments are new and modernly furnished (a detailed description under Apartments). House surroundings are beautifully decorated, full of Mediterranean plants and flowers, with a barbecue in the backyard. Each apartment has a covered parking space. If you want comfortable accommodation in Vodice and peaceful sleep, while at the same time enjoying the rich cultural activities and nightlife, book accommodation in our apartments.

- Lobby Wi-Fi:
- Incluso
- Parcheggi:
- Incluso
- Fare surf
- Snorkeling
- Immersione
- Pesca
- Vela
- Noleggio moto
- Noleggiare una barca
- Viaggio in terra
- Viaggi in barca
Migalovica 42,
Dalmazia Settentrionale, Croatia
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