Bydgoszcz - a city on the water Administrator
Bydgoszcz is a city called the "Venice of the North". The river Brda flows through the city center with its many canals, locks and weirs. It is a paradise for people, who love recreation and water sports. On the Mill Island you can find: amphitheater, boulevards, museums, numerous quays, many dams, water cascades, streams, fountains, skimming water dams, bridges and little bridges. You can rent water equipment here, including boats that look like New York taxis, police cars, etc. And after a day spent on the water, eat something in the atmospheric restaurants in the Old Town. In addition to the original island, the most interesting in the city, and probably the only one in Poland is: Museum of soap and dirt Although in the guidebook of Bydgoszcz it is listed as an attraction for children, you can be sure that adults will also enjoy themselves here. The trip lasts for 1 hour and is divided into two parts. First, each participant prepares his/her own soap. You can choose your favorite color, aroma and accessories. The guide then guides everyone through the exhibition and tells the story of soap and dirt from ancient times to the 1980s. As a conclusion, I will quote a poem by Franz Adolf Jeskie about Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz, you and your river, It flows and you wait. Like in the marriage you share your fate- Different thoughts, one voice ... Bydgoszcz, you and your river, You captivate with your loyalty, And in so many years None of us have left you to see the world ...

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