- 餐厅:
- 500
- 公交站:
- 500
- 机场:
- 30000
- 商店:
- 500
- 中心:
- 500
- 沙滩:
- 200
- 海:
- 200
Apartmani Viktor, Rogoznica
Rogoznica is situated in the very center of Adriatic coast - Riviera of the town Šibenk. Thanks to it's exelant position Rogoznica represents potential touristic destination of highest class.The center of Rogoznica sits on a peninsula whose old stone houses are maintained giving the waterfront an authentic Mediterranean atmosphere. Salt Lake Dragon's Eye is a natural bioreactor with a 5300 - meter surface and a 15-m depth. On the cape of the Gradina peninsula is The Chapel Our Lady , a church dedicated to the patron of Rogoznica's poeple and harbor since 1722. Another historical treasure is the parish church,named after the Assumption of the (Blassed) Virgin Mary, constructed in 1615. - See more at: http://www.viktorappartments.com/eng/onama/onama.html#sthash.9qAhAji2.dpuf
Zečevarska 54,
North Dalmatia, 克羅地亞
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入住 14:00, 退房 10:00