- Restaurant:
- 200
- Post office:
- 300
- Bus station:
- 300
- Store:
- 200
- Center:
- 200
- Beach:
- 100
- Sea:
- 50
Apartmani Komarna, Komarna
Apartments Komarna have a categorization of the 3 stars including maximum comfort and space. Also, we will try to help you plan your trip by offering many useful information and links related to Komarna and Dalmatia. We hope that our offer will satisfy all your wishes to spend a wonderful and unforgettable vacation that will provide our apartments, our beaches and our nice quiet place KOMARNA.

- Wi-Fi Lobby:
- Included
- Parking lots:
- Included
- Tennis
- Surfing
- Snorkeling
- Diving
- Fishing
- Cycling
- Sailing
- Rent a boat
- Trip by land
- Boat trips
Komarna 61/1,
South Dalmatia, クロアチア
Payment in advance is not required
No payment in advance is requiered, guest will pay full price on the arrival day
Payments accepted at Site
Cancellation policy
if guest cancel any time before arrival, the advance payment will be charged
Confirmation from host
Host Confirmation is required
Check-in 14:00, Check-out 10:00